Thursday, January 15, 2009

Following Mrs. Cuthbert's Lead-Doggie DNA

My niece Christine recently performed the DNA test on her beloved dog, Fergie. Since we have this crazy new pup, and have NO idea what she might be comprised of, we also ordered a kit. It has not arrived yet.

Here are our guesses as to her mix = Chihuahua, Manchester Terrier, Miniature Pincher, Italian Greyhound. Whatever mix it is, equivalent to one crazy ass dog!

You can see a photo of her here on an earlier post. The picture doesn't want to upload for me today...


cuthbertfamily said...

Italian Greyhound would be sweet! My guess is some chihuahua and some rat terrier! Can't wait to hear!

dayvalleygardens said...

The kit arrived today. I have to wait until she hasn't eaten for at least one hour. Ha, she has been chewing on a bully stick forever...HAHA