Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Task Begins...

Just a few of the tools I use to divide.  These knives are very sharp, I love 'em.  Clippers of course to clean off the dangling roots.  An ink pencil to write on the tubers.

Photo 2 shows you the clumps and the roots where they attach to the "Mother Tuber".  You can see there is a swollen area at the connection. This is where I cut to free the new "root tuber" from the "Mother"

Photo 3 shows you the root removed, and the indentation on the "Mother" from where it came.

Photo 4 reveals the tuber, ready for a bath ( I soak them in a pan of water with a touch of chlorox ).

Photo 5, the storage bag.  These are perforated zip lock I purchased from Canada some years ago, I am grateful they hold up!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Im glad I checked out your blog, I have this old Dahlia that came with the house that I need to move. Its in the shade, and I know it would just thrive if I transplanted it.

dayvalleygardens said...

Thanks Honeybee, happy to help!

Anonymous said...

are those the knives you get at the fair? i have one that is really nice. got talked into it while munching veggies in front of the hawker. it was a good buy!

nice site!!!!

dayvalleygardens said...

Thanks Kathy,

The knives are from a www.alfi.com

They are made in Germany and are sharp as all get out. You can buy a package of 18 for around $20.00 or so. A great deal, they stay sharp practically forever!