Thursday, July 31, 2008

Beehive Inspection Day

Today I worked the hives, all 3.  They are growing beautifully, and making lot's of honey.  Since 2 of these hives are new colonies, and since the older hive was a combine of a swarm and a queenless hive, I am treating it as a new colony as well.  This means that I will not take a lot of honey from them.  I want to make sure they have enough of their own stores for Winter.  I did take 3 frames ( medium sized ) total from the hives today and will extract tonight or later today.  I will take photos of the "crush and strain" process.  I do not have an extractor, and besides, I like being "one" with the honey!

Seedlings from Our Garden

Here are some 3rd year seedling from Day Valley Dahlias ( that be us )...I really love the red one, nice!

We rescued a pup from the local animal shelter.  'Shelly' is a terrier mix, we think she is mostly comprised of Rat Terrier, here are a few pics, some of her early on at our Oregon Bungalow, then back here at home.

On July 19th we visited my mentor's fabulous dahlia gardens.  Karen and Kevin at Corralitos Gardens have a real knack for growing these beauties.  They have brought many a new variety to the dahlia world for our enjoyment.  Here are a few photos:
July 19, 2008...First bouquet from the dahlia patch!